Trademark Registration
A trademark, identify a company distinctively from that of another, any word, sign or mark which can identify the origin of goods or services is a trademark. Every business has many trademarks. We help you to register the same and work to have them enforced.
Copyright Registration
The right to a work of literary, music, cinematography or software code arises at the time of its creation, and it rests with the person who has created it. The registrar of copyright maintains a register of all copyrights and issues a certificate, as conclusive proof of the ownership of the copyright.
Patent Registration
An invention of goods or Industrial Process, which is unique and for which there is prior art, can be patented in the name of the inventor or an assigned applicant. The patent is an exclusive right to use or authorised other to use it for 20 years. We file patents within hours of complete documentation.
Design Registration
The three-dimensional designs of goods are recognised as an intellectual property right as "design" in India, and the same can be protected by filing a design registration application. The only requirement is that it must have an element of distinctiveness and innovation apart from being a novel one
Import Export Code
Import and Export Code is a unique identification of the person registered with the DGFT, which is a prerequisite requirement for doing an Import or Export business in India. IEC is a pan based registration. Hence only one IEC can be obtained against one PAN.
Shops & Establishment
The purpose of shops and establishment act is to regulate working hours, safety and conditions of work and holidays in private sector. The registration is mandatory all over India and is to be done with local labour office. Non Compliance is a Criminal Offence.